Ayurvedic weight loss remedy


Weight loss always requires a lot of focused effort. Most of us fail to loose weight because we are not ready to wait patiently to see the results. So we seek the shortcuts like weight loss centres, protein powders and some fab diets which we think as the smartest way to loose weight. I have too tried everything like you. But these shortcuts always worsen the situation. We gain more weight than before if we stop following it. What if you had a natural remedy without side effects for weight loss. What if it was so easy to follow with proper diet and one hour of brisk walk. Magical right!!!Today we are going to discuss one such weight loss remedy mentioned in Ayurvedic texts.

The magical weight loss powder is Triphala Churna. If you take this 2-3 months with hot water daily night before sleep you can for sure see great changes. It reduces belly fat significantly and most important of all, it improves your immunity. People who have taken Triphala in a long run, have seen amazing benefits. Now let us learn about the medicinal benefits of this powder.

Triphala is a combination of dried pulp of three fruits-Haritaki,Vibhitaki and Amalaki.Tri means three and phala means fruits.

Reference-Ayurvedic texts

1.Charaka Samhita

2.Sushrutha Samhita

3.Astanga Hrdaya



According to Ayurveda, the main reason for health issues is improper digestion. If we do not have, proper eating habits, the undigested food gets accumulated in our body.This results in build up of toxins which contributes to most of our health issues.

Haritaki is the magical herb that cleans your intestinal tract. This helps the digestive system to process food faster and more efficiently leading to weight loss.Imagine you keep cooked food in the same place for a long time, say a week or a month,it will start rotting right!!!The same principle applies to your body.So the main task of the body should be to process the food quickly and move the waste out of your body. Haritaki does this job efficiently. Haritaki significantly prevents the accumulation of fat in the waist area.The hypoglycaemic property of Haritaki plays a significant role in deviating the blood sugar levels. If you are in pre diabetic condition, I highly recommend this.

It also has other benefits. Applying a paste of haritaki can effectively reduce dark circles due to the rich antioxidants and nutrients like Vitamin C,potassium, magnesium, iron.

It is also used a brain tonic in treatment of diseases like Parkinson and Dementia. It is an excellent anti ageing herb. It also boosts your stamina. You can observe this change in a month’s time. It is also used to treat eye infections.

A mixture of haritaki powder with henna and amla powder helps in treating scalp infections, dandruff,itching,hairfall, etc..

As I was in diabetic condition for three months, I lost hair significantly. Now that I have reversed diabetic condition, this herb has been helping me a lot in regrowing my hair.



Vibhitakki mainly normalises our body fat and reduces fluctuating blood levels. It is used both in the treatment of diabetes and blood pressure. It is an excellent detox agent and also relieves worm infestation. It is known to detoxify blood, lymph, muscles,and fatty tissues in the body.

The decotion of green fruit is used in the treatment of fever,cough and cold. Aksha taila, an oil obtained from this fruit is very good for hair. It is called Baheda in hindi. The ethanolic extract present in this fruit can lower stress. It heals wounds very quickly due to the presence of ethanol and tannins. I remember using it once for my daughter as a bee sting remedy.



Amla,also known as Indian gooseberry is known for its high nutritional value and medicinal properties. My day starts with an amla.It has been extensively used in Ayurvedic medicines. Popular ones like Chavanprash,Dhanyamla Dhara,Brahma Rasayana have amla as the main ingredient. If you do not like the taste of amla take it with honey. Do not take it with ghee as it will increase weight.

Amla contains chromium which regulates blood glucose levels.The rich fibre content of amla boosts digestion. It also improves your gut health.Amla speeds up the process of protein synthesis thus providing an energy boost to the body.This helps you to workout better. Many drink amla tea, by adding amla powder with crushed ginger in lukewarm water.

It is also used in the treatment of cardiac disorders,diabetes, hypertension, skin diseases, intermittent fever, diarrhoea, dysentery,asthma, etc.. It is very good for treating vision problems. It also relieves laziness.

According to Ayurveda, there are seven types of tissues(Dhatu). Rasa dhatu is the nutritive part of the digested food.

As per Ayurveda, food nourishes Rasa dhatu and then Rasa dhatu nourishes Raktha dhatu(blood). Raktha dhatu nourishes muscle and so on..This means, one part of the prior dhatu gets converted to the other.

In obesity there is a problem where Medha(fat) conversion into Asthi(bone),bone marrow and Shukra(reproductive system)does not happen. This nutrition shift is required to prevent fat accumulation.As this is hampered, more and more fat tissues are produced.

People who are obese also have an increase in digestive fire. Due to good appetite they eat more, but digestion takes place only till Medo dhatu(fat) without nourishing other dhatu hence increasing in weight.

Amla greatly helps in regulating the system and addressing this issue.

Where can I get this?

You can buy this Churna from Naatu marundu kadai. You can also prepare at home. Always note that even commercially prepared ayurvedic medicines sometimes contain preservatives. So it is always a best practise to prepare at home.

How to prepare Triphala at home?

You can click the link below to watch the video.

Triphala recipe


In my opinion, I recommend 1-3 grams with honey or warm water before or after food(dinner). If you are also taking allopathic medicines, it is best to take them first and wait for 30 minutes and then take Triphala. Please note that some ayurvedic and allopathic medicines react together if taken without time gap. Do not add with milk as this medicine curdles with milk.You can use it for a long period of 4-6 months.

If you are targeting weight gain then take it with ghee. If you have a very sensitive stomach then it may cause loose stools.Do not take beyond the prescribed dosage.

Note:Please consult an Ayurvedic doctor before taking this, if you suffer from various health ailments and consider this post for education purpose only.

It is very popularly said that one who takes Triphala lives 100 years free from diseases.

It is not advisable to take during pregnancy and while breastfeeding.


I have used this medicine in treating thyroid. It was magical to find I was cured in three months. I used it in my weight loss journey too .I have seen amazing results. Hence sharing with you.Hope you found it useful.Please subscribe to my blog for more weight loss remedies.

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