Home Decor Ideas

  • Painting
  • Custom Knobs
  • Custom Handles
  • Acrylic mirror sticker
  • Canopy
  • Door Knocker

When you talk about home decor, the first thing people commonly say is, it is a waste of money. They flood you with advises on how usefully you can spend money rather than appreciating the aesthetic feel. So before getting into the ideas, let us first discuss the importance of Home decor. Say, you go for a vacation. When you enter the place of stay, how lovely you feel. Why? When things are organized and aesthetically pleasing it enhances your mood. You feel good and pleasant there. It is so refreshing and rejuvenating after a vacation. Imagine you have such a home with perfect order and a minimalist decor that resonates with your personality then you start living in a heaven everyday. When all the family members feel good to live in a home then there are less disputes. Most important of all a home decor reflects the personality of the people who live there. Show the world, what kind of person you are by exploring your artistic sense. Today I am going to give you some small tips to enhance the look and feel of your home. So let’s get started.


Our country is rich in art forms. When we decorate our home with paintings we feel so calm and pleasant. I have different paintings for all rooms and each time I gaze at those paintings I feel very refreshing.

Every art form has a story to tell you. It is like every painting talks to you and sometimes it looks like an interesting puzzle.

If you are not an artistic person here is a simple tip for you.

1.Select a painting from Pinterest/Google Image and take a printout.

2. Get a yellow carbon paper. Click the image below to buy the carbon paper.

3.Place your watercolor paper/canvas at the bottom. Now place the yellow carbon paper then the original painting and clip all three together.

4.Once you have traced it, you can paint them with Acrylic colors.

5. Hurray!!! Your painting is ready. Do not worry about tracing another person’s work. Remember you can first learn the nuances of art only through imitation. Later you can develop on it.

If you do not have time for even making a painting, there’s another simple idea for you.

Buy a canvas. Click the image below to buy, if you are looking for a 12*12 canvas or you can also buy a canvas roll.

Next you can buy decal stickers and stick on the canvas.. Tada!!! your wall decor is ready instantly!!! See how beautiful it looks.


Custom Knobs and Handles

If you cannot spend more money on home decor, but you want to create a unique look, then custom knobs and handles are the best choice. You can change it on your own without any hassle. Just screwing and unscrewing is what you have got to do… See how cute it looks!!! You can find a lot of such custom knobs in amazon and the website below. The cost is less in website at the range of 70-120 per knob but takes long time for delivery. In Amazon it is a bit costly but delivered quickly.



Click the image below to buy

These knobs serve as a cute addition to your decor. Now let us also see some images of handles.

We wanted to give an antique feel to our home temple. So we added brass handles. Now everybody appreciates the unique look it has added to spruce up that space.

Try this!!! You will definitely love it.. We prefer brass since we love the rich look it gives.. You can check the website for other options.I have added these pictures to give you an idea.

Look at the amazing intricate carvings.. You can find these handles in the website below.

Note:This is not a sponsored post..



Acrylic Mirror Stickers

If you are looking to decorate your balcony or foyer area, you can use Acrylic mirror stickers. They add a new feel to how the place looks. Click the image below to buy the products. They range from 250-300 and are absolutely maintenance free.

You can see how it looks at my place. This is my favorite spot at home and I truly love it.


If you are looking to create a cozy reading nook or give a princess feel to your decor, canopy serves as a great addition. My daughter always loves to pick a book from her bookshelf and read in her canopy. If you designate a place for everything, children follow it so beautifully.Click the image below to buy.


Door Knocker

If you are bored with doorbells, you can add this door knocker to your decor. I use a lot of brass at home as brass is said to purify the environment in which we live and the color of brass is very attractive. Color psychology, regards yellow as the happy color and one that brings happiness and prosperity. Try this look and I am sure your door will look so rich and beautiful with the majestic lion roaring.

I bought it directly from Indian shelf website. If you are looking to buy from Amazon please click the image below to buy the product.

Hope you enjoyed these ideas. Stay tuned to MommyReturns for more such unique home decor tips..

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