That one spot in your body to cure all the diseases

Nowadays we fall prey to many health ailments due to a very stressful busy life. We are struggling with different medicines and its side effects. Almost many of us, when we reach the age of 30, sadly take medicines like food three times a day.

But Ayurveda has an amazing remedy and most of us do not know the purpose of this one spot in our body and its importance in our life. This post is going to discuss about its significance and if you implement this in your self care routine, you are going to live a very healthy life. So let’s get started.

I know by this time, you might be intrigued to know that one spot in your body. This spot was the one which was first formed when you were in your womb, to provide nourishment. This spot was the one which first connected you to your mother. Science says that life still exists in that one spot for three hours, even after your heart has stopped beating(death). It is such a sacred spot in our body, but people now project it just for glamour. Yes, that one spot is your belly button.

Image result for belly button

Why is your belly button important?

The navel is not just a point; it is a center of energy transformation in the body.

Did you know that the navel is the junction of 72,000 nerves in the body.

Unable to believe.. Isn’t it?

You can address almost any type of health issue with the help of belly button. It has always been a connection point. Before your birth it connected you to your mother and after birth it will connect you to your inner body. Let’s understand its importance and then discuss how to address different health issues with belly button.

Image result for inside belly button anatomy

According to Science, the first part created, after the mother conceives is the belly button. After it is created, it joins to the mother’s placenta through the umbilical cord. This is the main reason why all our veins are connected to our belly button making it the focal point of our body. Belly button is life itself!!!

After the heart stops beating, the body immediately starts turning cold. This phase is known as algor mortis, or the death chill. Each hour, the body temperature falls about 1.5 degrees Fahrenheit (0.83 degrees Celsius) until it reaches room temperature.  While the body as a whole may be dead, little things in the body are still alive.

Belly button stay alive for three hours after your death!!!

How can I believe this?

Well, when you touch your belly button (and all the grossness that comes with it), you may feel a tingly sensation. That’s because you’re stimulating fibers lining the inside of your abdomen, which then send a message to your spinal cord. As Dr. Christopher Hollingsworth of NYC Surgical Associates explained

“Because your spinal cord at that level is also relaying signals from your bladder and urethra, it feels almost the same. You interpret this as discomfort in your bladder.”

In simple words, the belly button has the thinnest layer of muscle between the inner vagus nerve and the skin compared to other areas. By activating it, one directly stimulates the vagus nerve, affecting the brain. 

Belly button carries thousands of bacteria

It is said that thousands of bacteria live in your navel.One 2012 study led by the aptly named Belly Button Biodiversity project documented 2368 types of bacteria in the navels of 66 study participants. Fret not, though: They help to protect you against harmful pathogens. “It is said that without these microbes our immune systems won’t function properly,”

Now that we know the importance of belly button, let us explore how to use it to reap maximum benefits..

Oiling the Belly button

This practice of oiling the belly button came to my rescue when my daughter was 2 months old. She was crying for a long time and obviously a newborn’s cry is something so alarming and very mysterious that you go mad if you are unable to uncover the reason. It was the first time I saw my mother oiling her belly button with castor oil. When I was pondering at this peculiar practice, to my delight, my daughter was relieved of the pain and slept peacefully. I was intrigued to find more about this practise, which is what I am going to share with you today.

Image result for oil belly button
Oiling Belly Button

Ayurveda, refers to this practise in Bhavaprakasha, a text written in 15th century. Navel oiling is traditionally known as Nabhi Chikitsa which tell us that the body’s center continues to serve as a foundation for balance in adulthood, because of its richness in blood vessels and pathways to the body’s extremities.

Once oil is inserted into the navel, it is easily absorbed and effortlessly distributed throughout the body. Since it connects to 72,000 nerves, so any oil placed in the belly button is absorbed and circulated throughout the body.This technique is called the Pechoti intake method. According to Ayurvedic text, it’s said that the Pechoti gland is located behind the belly button. When a woman is pregnant, this is where nutrients are carried between mother and baby. At the end of the umbilical cord lies the Pechoti gland, and it remains there long after birth. When you oil your belly button it knows which vein is dried up and sends the oil to that part for nourishment. Hence problem solved!!! Leave the rest of the business to this supercomputer in your body and relax.

Oils for different health issues

Now that we understood the process, we will see how to address different health issues with this procedure.

Poor Eyesight

Most of us work in IT and we always experience eyes burning, or eye dryness or eyes become very watery. Many of them also suffer from the problem of poor vision. To address this condition apply three drops of mustard oil in the belly button on a daily basis.


If you suffer from pimples and skin acne which doesn’t get cured with the fancy creams, then try this remedy. Just pour 3 drops of neem oil in your belly button daily before going to bed.

Knee Pain

Knee pain has become one of the most common problem of many people in their early forties. Try this remedy and it will definitely work wonders. Pour three drops of castor oil or olive oil in your belly button before sleep. It really works to make strong bones and muscles. It also gives you a very peaceful sleep.

Glowing smooth skin

To get a very beautiful shiny skin you can oil your belly button with three drops of ghee or three drops of Almond/Coconut oil.

Applying butter or ghee on navel is very old and ancient Indian beauty tradition for getting the soft and glowing skin.

Butter moisturizes your skin and makes it brighter and supple.

So if you are spending lots of money on moisturizer then, try this old trick to remove dryness from your face and body. Prefer cow butter for more benefits.

Ghee makes your skin soft and smooth. Almond oil and Coconut oil helps to achieve a glowing skin.

Soothing of your cracked lips/better hair growth/relief from headaches

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Just three drops of mustard oil can perform the magic. It can cure cracked lips, promote hair growth.

Relief from high BP and Weight loss

Image result for weight loss

Olive oil is the best remedy for high BP and weight loss. Use lukewarm olive oil. You can see amazing results with just three drops in your navel everyday.


Three drops of warm coconut oil will do the magic!!! It not only cures your dandruff problem but also gives you a nice shiny hair.

I am giving you a complete table of the health problems and oils to be used. This might help you get a better idea. If possible, print this and keep it for your reference. This might also be handy when you are going to procure oils.

Health ProblemOil to be used
Poor eyesightMustard Oil
PimplesNeem Oil
Knee PainCastor Oil/Olive Oil
Glowing smooth skinGhee/Butter/Almond/Coconut Oil
Cracked LipsMustard Oil
Hair GrowthMustard Oil
High BP/Weight lossOlive Oil
DandruffCoconut Oil
FertilityCoconut Oil
Long EyelashesCastor Oil
Dark CirclesAlmond Oil
Menstrual PainOlive Oil
Neem Oil
Cold, Cough , FluCook 1 Garlic clove in 3 drops of
mustard Oil until it turns black.
Use this oil
Lack of AppetiteOlive Oil
Poor memory
Mustard Oil
Cracked heelsPumpkin Oil
Gastric ProblemCastor Oil/Asafoetida with water
Back PainOlive Oil
Weight LossLukewarm Olive Oil
ConstipationOlive Oil
HeadacheLukewarm Mustard Oil/Primrose Oil

You can use it daily and start noticing changes from three months.

Click here to download and print the list above for daily reference.

How to use them?

Image result for belly button massage

Firstly wash your belly button while taking bath to remove any dirt that is accumulated.This will help the oil penetrate seamlessly. Then before going to bed, based on your health ailments you can choose the oil and pour three drops in your belly button and give a gentle massage around the naval point. It is the best cost effective remedy to treat all health ailments.

How to choose Oils?

As you are applying in a point that connect 72,000 nerves please be very mindful about choosing the right type of oils. Always prefer cold pressed oils for this type of treatment. The cold pressed oils are extracted by pressing the oil seeds. It is unique because it doesn’t involve any addition of chemical or heat. This retains the antioxidants and natural properties of the oil giving you amazing benefits.

How to incorporate this in your daily routine?

As you are going to use these oils at the end of the day, you are most likely to skip, as you feel lazy to find the oils and apply them because you are in a rush to get your sleep. Don’t worry!!! I have a simple tip for you.

The best practice is to keep a basket of these oils near your bed, say on a bedside table. This tip will help you greatly as the basket itself visually acts as a reminder. Always remember, out of sight is out of mind. So on a weekend, invest some time to procure all the oils and store them in a basket near your bed. Tada!!! You have taken a great step towards healthy life. If you re worried about the oil’s stickiness then massage gently for sometime. You will see the oils would have penetrated into the skin.


Many of our ancient practices are very simple and easy to follow to lead a happy and healthy life. Such practices most importantly, do not come with side effects. Let us just not parrot, use oils for belly button. Understanding its benefits will drive you from inside towards staying committed to the practice for the rest of your life. Ayurveda is our treasure and once we learn to embrace it in our daily routine, we have taken a conscious step towards mastering the art of Longevity.

Stay happy and blessed!!!

Rating: 1 out of 5.

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