The magic drink for weight and inch loss

Obesity has become an epidemic these days and everyone is looking for ways to loose weight. I have tried every weight loss method in my life right from fab diets, protein shakes, to healthcare centers. At last I understood there are no shortcuts to weight loss and I got ready to run that extra mile to achieve my weight loss goal.

Recently with the help of a fitness coach,I have lost 40 kgs in 8 months .In these 8 months I have learnt a lot about myself and I also started researching on many diet foods and drinks that my coach suggests for weight loss.I am going to share everything with you. You can also check my fitness journey if you are interested.

Today in this post we are going to discuss about the magic drink that helps you loose weight quickly. But if you think, you can become as slim as a bikini model only with this drink, then sorry to disappoint you. This magic drink will fasten your weight loss process and most importantly help you burn belly fat. Take this, along with a proper diet and at least one hour of exercise. You will witness the magic happen!!!

So let’s get started.

My weight loss journey

The magic drink

Are you excited to know about that drink? Let me give you hints..This magic drink is something you have already been taking everyday. Many cannot live without this including me😊Most of us start our day with this drink.Today we are going to do a slight alteration to this drink to reap its maximum benefits.. I know you are eager to know the name of the drink..It’s nothing other than COFFEE.. Wait!!!You might think I am naive to suggest coffee for weight loss. But this post will help convince you why coffee is important for weight loss.

The slight alteration I mentioned is, to drink coffee without adding sugar or other additives and only add coconut oil. Yes,we are going to drink black coffee with coconut oil.. That’s the magic drink that’s going to help you with weight loss. Let’s dig deeper to know the reasons.


Black Coffee with Coconut oil

The research from John Hopkins Medical School says that when you take caffeine what you experience is adrenaline rush.(Adrenaline is the source of the “fight or flight” response, a survival mechanism that forces you to stand up and fight or run for the hills when faced with a threat).

Caffeine is basically a nervous stimulant. It boosts your metabolism encouraging weight loss. Metabolism is the process by which your body converts what you eat and drink into energy. Even when your body is at rest, you are still using energy for basic functions such as breathing, circulating blood and repairing cells. When you boost your metabolism you automatically loose weight.

What happens when you drink a cup of coffee?

When you drink a cup of coffee, it creates a chain reaction. Your heart beats faster which gives the rest of your body extra blood and triggers the release of sugars. Hence you feel more energetic. You might have always noticed, you feel fresh and energetic after a cup of coffee. This is the major reason.

In a nutshell, it is a nervous stimulant, that boosts your metabolism aiding weight loss and helps you feel fresh and energetic.

Next let us learn about coconut oil and also discuss how this powerful coffee and coconut oil combo helps us.

Coconut oil


Coconut oil has a type of fat called Medium chain Triglyceride.

Let us first understand what is a Triglyceride. Triglycerides are a type of fat found in your blood. When you eat, your body converts the calories, that it doesn’t need to use right away as it is in excess, to triglycerides. They are stored in our fat cells. Later, in between meals our hormones release triglycerides stored in fat cells.

The medium chain triglycerides refer partially to man made fats. The name refers to the carbon atoms arranged in their chemical structure. As opposed to the long chain vegetable oils, the fatty acids in the coconut oil are absorbed significantly faster by the liver. In simple words,

It gets used sooner by your body as energy instead of getting stored as fat.

Hence it boosts your metabolism aiding weight loss.Now we understand,it is a myth to associate intake of coconut oil with weight gain.

How does Coconut oil decrease your appetite?

Coconut oil when broken down by the body produces ketone bodies. Our body make Ketones when we don’t have enough stored glucose (or sugar) to turn into energy. It is also said,

When our body senses that we need an alternative to sugar, it transforms fat into ketones.

Hence we feel full for a long time, decreasing our appetite.

Aids in Abdominal Fat loss

In a study involving 40 women, half of the group consumed coconut oil and the other half were given soybean oil. They are asked to eat less and walk more for 4 weeks to aid weight loss. At the end, both groups lost 1kg but the group who had coconut oil showed a significant difference in their abdominal circumference. This study proves that coconutoil effectively targets and burns the belly fat. Another study also proves this fact. Increased waist circumference is the main reason for many chronic diseases like Diabetes ,heart problems, etc.. Coconut oil and weight loss appears to be positively linked based on the current research.

The powerful couple(Coffee and Coconut Oil)


Now we know the amazing benefits of coffee and coconut oil. Both boosts our metabolism, makes us feel fresh and also aids in reducing abdominal circumference.Now let us discuss

When can we take this drink?

I suggest you to take this as your PREWORKOUT MEAL. Why?

1.Most of the time, people feel they don’t have enough stamina for workout. When you combine caffeine with coconut oil it instantly boosts your energy acting as a power station for a KILLER WORKOUT!!! I always go to gym by 10 AM after completing my household chores. I feel very tired at that time because I have worked non stop from 5AM. But this magic drink instantly makes me feel fresh and energetic and in these 8 months, I have never missed this wonderful drink before my workout.

2.It helps to have better focus as it increases your alertness due to caffeine. Personally I have always felt good after this drink. A good mood helps you greatly in your workout to develop the mind muscle connect.

3. As it acts as a natural appetite suppressant, I have always felt satiated and energetic to push my limits further without craving for food.

4. Most important of all, it boosts your metabolism(amount of energy your body burns to maintain itself), hence promoting weight loss and also I have seen significant inch loss. Studies say, you burn 70% extra when you take this magic drink as your preworkout meal.

5.Hard training takes a toll on immune function of the body, and you are weak right after a workout, so coconut helps you a lot because it contains lauric acid and caprylic acid which are known for their anti-microbial and antiviral effect.

How to prepare this magic drink?

  1. Take a cup of warm water. Do not boil it for long as it might be very hot to drink.
  2. Add 1 TSP of coffee powder. I personally use Levista as I love that aroma and taste.
  3. Then add 1 TSP of coconut oil.
  4. Stir thoroughly.
  5. Hurray!!! The magic drink is ready…

Just have it 10-15 mins before your workout. You will definitely notice the difference.


Now I know you might be thinking, it sounds great but it will taste bitter. How can I take something without sugar. When my coach proposed this in our diet, I was too in the same mindset. Anything that tastes bitter, that too on a daily basis in a BIG NO-NO for me. But I wanted to give it a try. The coconut oil really suppressed the bitter taste and I fell in love with the new flavor. From that time onwards, it has become my most favorite drink. Hence don’t give up before trying. You will truly see a significant difference. But do not just rely only on this drink for weight loss. Your diet is the key and exercise daily to build a better, stronger and confident version of yourself.

Rating: 1 out of 5.

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