Advaitham-The Lord will step forward

The Lord will step forward

When we face problems in life and at the same time we get to see a lot of negative people enjoy their life, we feel God is not there and believing in God is a myth. We think, it is foolish to believe him as he is ruthless to grant the wishes of negative people. But we are ignorant to experience all sorts of such emotions because we feel, we and the Paramathma are different. Say, you believe there is God in every human being. We will first respect each other and even start thinking before getting angry on the other person,as nobody can hurt God. This ignorance is what leads us to all the sorrows in our life. So there comes a question, will the God step forward to help us? How can we feel his divine presence? This post addresses these queries with a simple yet very powerful analogy.

Image result for ocean with bubbles

How to feel God’s presence?

Let us take this example.

When the wind blows over the still ocean,there are small air bubbles that come up on the top. With the blow of another wind, these bubbles will burst. Here the still ocean is the Paramathma, the creator. We the Jeevas are the small bubbles originated from this ocean, Paramathma. Just like the wind that blows, if God’s benign glance falls on us we become one with him, just like the bubbles disappear in the ocean. So the first step towards experiencing his divine presence is to firmly believe that we originated from him. Its the maya(illusion) that makes us perceive that God does not exist. Once we learn to break this illusion, we can experience his divine presence.

Does God show partiality?

Now we know how to experience his presence but we have to know if he is partial? Sometimes we feel, he bestows his grace only on some people, but not on others. So let us address this question.

Let us consider the same example. We know that Water in the ocean doesn’t decrease, it gets vaporized as rain and flows into rivers,lakes canals, etc.. But the ocean neither becomes dry nor becomes flooded. The water level does not change in the ocean.

The rivers, lakes and canals(Jeevathama) which received water from the ocean may become dry during summer. In Monsoon the water levels may increase and sometimes there are also possibility of floods.

Image result for river
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But the God is the ocean, he doesn’t show any favoritism by bestowing a particular river,lake or canal with more water or less. The rivers(Jeevathma) may become dry or flooded based on their Karma.The water level(sorrow and joy) in the rivers, lakes are uncertain. But the water level in ocean(Paramathama) does not decrease. It is stable and constant.

God never shows partiality. It is just our ignorance(the maya) that fools us in believing it. We have originated from God. He takes different forms just like the cash in the example below.The rich person, invests money in land, then sells the land and converts it into bank deposit. Then withdraws the bank deposit and converts it into shares. Here only the form changes, the asset remains the same. Though God takes many forms there is no increase or decrease in him. He remains the same in every human being.

To understand God doesn’t show any favoritism we have to first become one with the God(ocean). Once we become one with him, there is no question of quantifying his blessings. We enjoy the eternal bliss.

Will God step forward to help us?

Many times in life, we have felt if God truly exist. If he exists, will he step forward when we are deliberately looking for his help. Yes he will. Let us take the same analogy to understand this better.

Water of the ocean becomes clouds and it rains. Through rains, lakes, ponds and rivers receive water. The water in these lakes, tanks, canals do not again mix with the ocean. But all the rivers flow through the oceans. It flows like meeting the ocean is its ultimate destination. In North India there is a river named Sonam, which flows over red soil. The Krishna river in Andhra Pradesh flows over black soil and Ganges signifies white(purity). The name of the river is derived based on the soil over which it flows. All these rivers flow towards the same ocean. Here the red in Sonam indicates Rajo gunam(Passion) the black in Krishna river indicates Tamo gunam(Ignorance) and White in Ganga indicates Satva Gunam(Goodness). The personality of Jeevathma depends on the mode of the mind to which it attaches. Just like the river that flows on a particular color of the soil, takes that color.

Whatever may be the mode of our mind, at the end just like the river meets the sea the mixing of Jeevathma and Paramathma must take place.

Image result for rivermeets ocean

It is also said that water finds its own level. It rains on the top of the hills and rivers originate from this. It flows down as waterfalls, at a high speed with a very roaring noise. Then it flows as rivers with little noise.Finally when it merges with the ocean there is absolute silence.

That means, when the river finds its level(the ocean), it becomes absolutely peaceful. It is the same with your mind. When your mind finds the God, it becomes absolutely peaceful. When we know the limit and we achieve it, there is peace in our life. If we try going beyond the limits, it may lead to self destruction.

The ocean comes forward to receive the river which gives up its speed, noise and approaches it with humility. If we know our limits and proceed with humility the ocean of God will step forward to receive us and help us get merged into the ocean and experience eternal bliss.



The feeling of oneness with God, dawns on us when we first develop the attitude that we are one with God and all the creations on Earth are just manifestations of Paramathma. We should develop a trust on him beyond doubts and that trust should stay imperturbable.Then we should give up our ego, our negative thoughts and approach the Paramathama with humility. Once we develop this attitude the God will step forward and welcome us with love and we can enjoy the eternal bliss in life. When I write every post of Deivathin Kural, I feel its the God who is composing it and I am just an instrument through which he is communicating with people. It is such a blissful moment to read every chapter of Deivathin Kural and deliver the content in an nutshell to everyone out there. I feel blessed beyond words to carry his message to this world.

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