Pearls of Wisdom-Deivathin Kural-Advaitham

Deivathin Kural is truly the Voice of God. Only God can give us such a treasure of knowledge, which can lead us to the right path to attain eternal bliss. God talks to us through this book. I would say, this book should be a must-have in every household. In this chapter, MahaPeriyava not only explains what is Advaitham but also gives us the steps to follow to attain it.That’s the attribute of a best teacher. They teach the concepts and also guide us practically through the steps involved. Following all the steps mentioned in this chapter will keep you happy for life. The same concepts mentioned in this book, is what all the Amazon’s bestseller self improvement books too emphasize on. Our Acharya, has handed over this treasure with so much love a long time back. But we failed to connect with our roots and now we are searching in the whole world for it. It’s not too late.. There are lots of takeaways from this chapter for life. So please read till the end.

What is Advaitham

Our philosophy/ Sidhantham says there are two classifications.

1.Jeevathama-Jeevathama is something that you can see and feel.

2. Paramathama-Something you cannot see.(The God)

For example:We see all the different electrical appliances running in our home on a daily basis like fan, A/C, Washing machine, etc..But everything runs on a single entity called electricity. It is the same with our life. We are all different human beings. But we all run on the same electricity “THE PARAMATHMA“.

Paramathma has manifested into different beings, but the energy is one.

Since we are unable to see it visually, we are unable to believe it. You might question, how can I believe something that is not visible? The answer is simple.. Can you say why sweet is sweet? You have never seen it. But you tell that from your experience. The same applies here. To understand Advaitham, you have to feel to experience it.

As long as there is human life, there will be desire, sorrow, joy, enmity. Once you are relieved of such desires you reach the state of eternal bliss called, Moksha. When we start believing whatever we see is Paramathama(The God), nothing is going to affect us. We suffer because we are the poisonous snakes ourselves. Advaitham is the state of truth. You would have witnessed saints are not afflicted by any sufferings and mental agitation. It is because, they practice Advaitham. This world is an illusion and when you realize that, you experience containment.

There have been many researches done on this subject.There are two philosophies that were most prevalent in olden days.


The Dvaita Vedanta believes was founded in 13th century by Madhvacharya. This Vedanta believes that God and the individual souls exist as independent realities, and these are distinct.

2.Advaitam-(Dva means two, A means Not. So Advaitam means it is not two)

The Advaita Vednta is a school of Hindu Philosophy which says god and individual souls are one and the same. Science also expounds the truth of Advaita. Actors might play different characters, but at the end of the day it is just a single person who plays the different characters. It is the same concept with Advaitam.

50 years ago,scientists discovered that all things are made up of 72 different elements. But all these 72 elements are not different from each other. They are the manifestation of the same energy.

So now we understand Brahmam is the only transcendental truth and this world is just pragmatic truth.

The scientists understood the truth of Advaitham, all elements are the manifestation of the same energy and misused it by preparing atomic bombs. This is why,in earlier days the secrets of Advaitham was passed on only to intellects by Gurus who will evaluate first, if they will make best use of it.

How to attain the Moksha?

Now that we know, what is Advaitham let us discuss how do we attain Moksha through Advaitham.

Once we hear the word, Moksha we think it is something that’s attained after death or it is something that can be experienced in Vaikundam or Kailash.

But MahaPeriyava puts it very beautifully, Moksha is not something you are going to attain newly. Moksha is like a state of truth in free form. Just as the space is spread all over the universe, it is encapsulated inside us in a pot(our body). Once this pot breaks, both becomes one. Worldly life is a delirium caused by the fever called illusion.

Let us consider, in our life, we first would have thought getting a job after school is going to give happiness. Once we get a job, after sometime we feel bored and think marriage would bring happiness. After sometime you get used to this routine and feel children bring in happiness. We search for happiness in everything that is materialistic.

But true happiness is inside you. Advaitham helps you seek that happiness in you.

MahaPeriyava gives us a step by step guide to reach that happiness.

Step1: Find the Eternal bliss

It is difficult to scrutinize every thought and things around us.We need our own experiences to get convinced.. We always clutter our home with unwanted things. Only during shifting home,we realize we have loaded our home with a lot of things that doesn’t spark joy. Though we know it is of no use to us,Ignorance doesn’t allow us to throw all unwanted things..So first and foremost, we should develop that detached attitude. Keep only things, people and emotions that spark joy.

MahaPeriyava says, more than being keen in keeping things we want, we should be ready to discard things that we don’t want. It applies to things and also our thoughts. Once we have identified what is essential for us, then go to Step 2.

Step 2:Develop Will power and Determination

Once we have decided what to keep and what to discard, we should also have the willpower to adhere to the process for a long time. Say you start on your fitness journey. You need that willpower to stick to diet and gym routine to adapt a healthy lifestyle. Otherwise you are going to soon meet failure.

Once you have decided some thoughts, people or things are not important, then never look back. They don’t spark joy in your life. A simple real life example is we always love eating junk. We know its not good for our health. Still we love to relish it and are unable to control ourselves. You need that Willpower and detached attitude to say “NO” to things that are not healthy for you. This is why we fail most of the times. We fall for the illusion in this world.

These illusions distract us from attaining moksha. What we need to build, is a super strong version of our self with phenomenal Willpower to stay on this journey to attain moksha.

Step 3: Results require Patience

Once we have developed the willpower to stay committed, next we should start enjoying the process rather than expecting the end result. Good things take time. Let us take the same example.. You have started your fitness journey. In three months you cannot expect a body like a supermodel. It takes time and lots of patience to wait for the result. Instead if you enjoy the process of exercising, you will start feeling good about yourself. Results will then be a part of it.

What you derive is a super confident happy version of your self. So stay patient and you will see yourself blossoming soon. You cannot attain moksha in one shot. It requires huge amount of patience.

Step 4: Stay away from Negativity/Distractions

Once you have developed the will power, you should learn how to handle distractions. Say you are on a diet and you go for a wedding. You get tempted with all sweets, and yield to it forgetting your diet, then you fail.

When we understand it’s not good, develop will power to stay away.

Once you are on your fitness journey and people around you say it is not going to work, then do not yield to such negativity.

When you are on the path to moksha there are a lot of distractions and you should figure out how to handle all the hurdles on your way.

Step 5: Do not get addicted to the happiness that your result gives

Say, you have lost 10 kgs and achieved your first goal. Everyone appreciates you for the transformation. You get addicted to the happiness that result gave you. Now for some reasons, you are not able to loose more weight as you were able to do in the beginning, this should not deter you from pushing hard. You should develop the will power to not get attached to any happiness that temporary results gives you.

Develop that anti fragile personality who can never be broken down or lured towards temporary joy.

Happiness is like a fixed deposit in your bank. Based on your good Karma, you stay happy. Once you have exhausted that fixed deposit, its time to suffer. But we should become an anti fragile person who cannot be carried away by the worldly pleasures. Develop the will power to stay away from things that are not permanent. When you stay unaffected by problems, at a point the problems will feel there is no impact on us. So they leave us ultimately.

Don’t expect and get addicted to results..

Happiness is inside you.Everyone’s research is in the outside world .Research yourself.Know yourself first then spend time analyzing others.Every janma, we are trying to learn how to find the path to happiness.

Be strong not to get distracted..

The beauty is when you try to leave everything and go, Maya doubles your troubles. Say, we think Sanyasis have to leave their home, not get married, devote their life to God. They are super happy. But when they leave their home, they get a new home called Mutt, when they try to leave all the happiness and sadness that life brings in due to work and marriage, what they get in mutt is they have worry for the welfare of the devotees. Now it is not just one family. So the Maya has tripled the problems when you try to leave it. Now what can be done? Nothing other than start enjoying it.

MahaPeriyava says the best Pariharam for all troubles is to start enjoying the troubles. At a stage, you will find that it stops affecting you.

MahaPeriyava says, once you follow all these steps mentioned above and reach the state of eternal bliss you will be blessed with six gifts.

Samam– Now you are a person with complete self control.

Damam– You learn how to control your senses. You do not yield to all the sensory pleasures.

Uparabdhi– Your mind and athma become interlinked with each other. You stay undisturbed by your surroundings.

Dhidhikshai– You develop Patience.. You understand process takes time and result is not your focus.

Asthigan– You become a self confident person.

Samadhanam– You enjoy the eternal bliss.

You have fought through every stage like rice inside the pressure cooker.. Now once the pressure is released, eat the food happily. That is Moksha.


Whatever you do,result will come only with blessings of divine power.

Without the divine power driving you, it is merely impossible to reap the fruits of success. You can attain this knowledge to reach the path of success only from two of them in this world- one is Guru and the other is God. Only a true Guru rescues you from the path of illusion and helps you understand that Happiness is innate and your ignorance is driving you to search outside. When the Guru and God becomes one, and by following these steps everybody is happy ,then how can Paramathma and Jeevatham be different.

It is one according to the philosophy of Advaitham.

If everyone attains this state of mind, everybody stays happy..If all experience the same happiness then how can it be two..It is one..That’s Advaitham..

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