Postpartum hair loss remedy

During my pregnancy, I observed my hair loss was significantly less. But after giving birth to my child, I witnessed hair falling in clumps and it was very depressing, as I already had very short hair.

No crying baby🙂
Let’s fix it

So I wanted to research on this topic to identify the cause and find the remedy to immediately control the hair fall. So please read the entire post as this is a wholistic approach.

Postpartum hairfall cause

When you are pregnant, you have high levels of estrogen(female sex hormone). This peak in estrogen level decreases your hair loss significantly. This high levels also increase blood volume and the blood circulation which causes less hairfall. That’s why many witness their hair growing well during pregnancy.

After your baby arrives, your hormone levels significantly drop. Your hormone levels will be back to normal within 24 hours, except the lactating hormone. The sudden drop in estrogen makes you loose hair in clumps. But not to worry, this condition will not last long. If you correct your diet and use the hair oil recipe from this blog, I can guarantee you can definitely control hairfall significantly. You can see the changes in less than three months. Your hair will start getting back the glow and will grow in a healthy way.

So mommies,now you know the reason for hair loss, is not the stress of looking after a newborn.


If you take a helathy postpartum diet, it will predominantly fix most of the issues. Include lots of vegetables, fruits and leafy greens in your diet. As you are going to feel hungry most of the time, binge eating of unhealthy food may result in various issues. I took this part very lightly and gained a lot of weight during this time. Your body is recovering and you also have a newborn demanding your fullest attention. So if you plan appropriately and stick to a healthy diet, it will regulate your breastmilk supply and also avoid from becoming obese.


Drink plenty of water.Staying hydrated is the key to avoid most health issues.It will also help you in increasing milk flow for breastfeeding.


Postpartum vitamins are very essential. You will be given Vitamin D,B6,B12,Calcium and iron supplements. These vitamins help to boost immunity and RBC production hence keeping you energetic. Studies say lack of Vitamin D is one of the reasons for postpartum depression and if the mother is deficient there are chances that baby might also be deficient. I know most of the time, we forgot to take such supplements ignoring it without knowing how useful it is. At birth infants have very low vitamin and the baby depends on you through breastfeeding to meet it’s daily needs. B12 is very essential for baby’s developing nerves. Nobody tells you all this. So without realizing it’s importance we do not follow it.

Hair Oil recipe(Take 1 tsp of every oil)


Coconut oil

Onion seeds powdered

Flax seeds oil

Olive oil

Almond Oil

Neem Oil

Hibiscus Oil

Vitamin E capsule

Trichup Oil-

Onion seeds


The protein that is required for hair formation is Keratin. This protein formation requires sulfur and onion seeds are rich in dietary sulfur. Methylsulfonylmethane is the absorbable source of sulfur found abudantly in the onions. Autoimmune hair loss conditions like Alopecia can also be treated with regular application of onion juice.

Ask for kalonji in NaatuMarundu Kadai or Tamil Marundu kadai and buy as required. Then powder the seeds and add in warm coconut oil. Filter if required after two to three days. If you find this process tedious, you can also use onion juice.

Coconut Oil


Coconut oil is a natural product jam-packed with various minerals, nutrients, and antioxidants which are incredible for hair growth. Just some of the most stimulating nutrients include vitamin E, vitamin K, and iron. It has the property of deeply penetrating in the hair making it hydrated, supple and soft.

Flax Seeds


Flax seeds are rich in Omega 3 Fatty acids. They nourish your hair well, making it les prone to damage. It also prevents premature greying. It is also rich in Vitamin E which prevents hair from becoming brittle and prone to damage.

Olive Oil


It is greatly know to treat split ends and its anti inflammatory properties makes it ideal to treat dandruff problems. It strengthens your hair follicles and prevents hair loss greatly.

Almond Oil


Almond Oil is rich in Vitamin E ,D, B1, A , B2 and B6. It makes your hair super strong. You will get a lustrous silky soft hair. Almond oil has high quantities of magnesium to promote hair growth.

Neem Oil


As most of us are aware, neem oil has antifungal and anti bacterial properties preventing dandruff and lice problems. It is best used to treat frizzy hair. It promotes a healthy scalp and also removes split ends.

Hibiscus Oil


Hibiscus oil is rich in Vitamin A and C. It prevents premature greying and makes your hair very soft.

Vitamin E capsule


It is rich in antioxidant properties which will make your hair look fresh and healthy.

Trichup Oil


It is a 27 year old company. It is a combination of Til oil, coconut oil and 14 different herbs. It restructures and repairs the hair completely. If you have hair loss due to straightening or coloring, you can use this oil to promote hair growth.

How to use it?

In a small pan mix all the oils except hibiscus oil and cut the vitamin E tablet and mix only the essence then just warm for 10 seconds. It should not be heated, as heating kills the natural properties of oil. Once its cool, add hibiscus oil(hibiscus oil should not heated) and gently massage it on your scalp. If you massage gently it will improve your blood circulation. Leave it for 10- 15 minutes. Then wash with a mild shampoo or you can even use soapnuts or shikakai. Air dry your hair. Do not use hair dryers. Use it continuously for three months once or twice in a week. You will see your hair growing better than ever before.If you are allergic to any oil, please avoid using it.

If you cannot source all the ingredients, just Kalonji, coconut oil, Trichup oil will do a perfect job.


Now are you happy baby?
We have found a solution!!!

Any health condition should always be treated inside out. You should eat well and externally provide proper nourishment.

So without a proper diet whatever you apply on your hair, you are not going to see results. So please be mindful about following the whole process I have mentioned as everything is interdependent.

Stay blessed and have a happy life.

If you are looking for more Ayurvedic recipes keep following MommyReturns.

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