Pooja to attract wealth

This Pooja is done to attract wealth and prosperity..You may wonder,if doing a Pooja will make you a rich person.. Definitely not…This Pooja will help only if you are putting in hardwork but not seeing appropriate results due to various situations…

Sometimes even if we work hard there are some negative vibrations and planetary effects that creates hurdles and prevents us from achieving our goals.. Worshipping God helps you break all the hurdles and definitely spiritual power will act as a immeasurable source of strength to land at your dreams in a short period of time…

Who are we going to worship?

We are going to worship the Lord of wealth, Lakshmi Kubera..Let us know about Lord Kubera before we proceed to the Pooja..

Vishrava was the grandson of Lord Brahma..He had two wives Mandakini and Kaikasi.Mandakini’s son was Lord Kubera and Kaikasi was the mother of Ravana,Kumbhakarna and Vibhishana.

Lord Kubera was the king of Lanka.Once he came to see his mother in the Pushpak Viman(Aircraft).Ravana wanted to acquire the aircraft from Lord Kubera, so he did a penance and impressed by him,Lord Brahma blessed him with a vast kingdom. Then Ravana began to torment his step brother Kubera and acquired Lanka and the pushpak viman.. Lord Kubera then went to his grandfather Pulastya.He told him to go to the river banks of Ganges and pray to Lord Shiva.. Lord Shiva was pleased with him, and blessed him with a boon that he will become the God of Wealth. Kubera became the king of Alankapuri and amassed a lot of treasure. In Sanskrit the name “Kubera” means monstrous or deformed. True to this, Lord Kubera is portrayed having fat dwarf body. He has only 8 teeth, three legs and his left eye is yellow in color. Reckoned as the gold bestower, Lord Kubera is often worshipped with Goddess Lakshmi on Dhanteras day during Diwali for wealth and success in life. You can also start this Pooja on a Thursday and continue for 48 days if you are facing any major financial crisis.

Pooja procedure

Pooja items

1.You can print a photo of Lakshmi Kubera or buy an idol. That’s completely your choice.

2.Lord Kubera loves money. So for this Pooja,you can collect 108 coins of RS.5 or Rs.10 denomination or you can also buy Kubera coins.It is said that you should make the jingling sound of the coins to please Kubera when you are performing the Pooja.

3. Then u can buy the Lakshmi Kubera Yantra..This Yantra when energized with Kleem mantras is said to attract wealth. It is available in Giri traders shop or you even get it online or you can simply put a kolam of that Yantra. The embossed patterns on the Yantra is said to bring you and Lord Kubera in contact. The configuration is in such a way that each row will sum upto 72. This is said to be a magical number to attract wealth in life.

4. Then buy Kubera deepam. You get it in Amazon. This is a special deepam meant for this Pooja.

5.You can also buy Lotus seed Japa Mala(Thamarai mani Malai) for meditation. Lotus seeds is the favorite of Goddess Lakshmi and is said to bring wealth.

Now we have collected everything, let us proceed to the Pooja part.

Time of Pooja
This Pooja should be done on evenings at 6.00pm. You can start it on a Thursday and continue for 48 days or do only on Dhantheras day during Diwali.

Idol facing direction

Kubera is said to be dwelling on Himalayas facing the South direction. So place the idol in South direction and you pray to him from the North direction. According to vasthu it is always ideal to keep property documents in the south West corner of your home to avoid financial crisis.

The Pooja is very simple and hardly takes 15 minutes of your time.

I usually start my Pooja with praying to Lord Ganesha. He is said to destroy all the hurdles. Then I have kept Lord Shiva,since Kubera is the worshipper of Lord Shiva. I have Goddess Lakshmi and I always keep SaiBaba..Basically before I start pooja,I pray to all these Gods, to remove all the hurdles and help me continue this Pooja successfully.

My setup

Then I do abhishekam and dress the idol. Kubera’s favorite color is green, so I dress the idol in green.

You can skip this step if you don’t have time.

Then next you can chant the 108 mantras by offering coins for every mantra. Do not forget to make the jingling sound. If you are not able to say this mantra, just chant “Om Kuberaya Namah” 108 times. It is just your true dedication and connection with God that will make your Pooja successful. I am giving all the steps because in case you have time, you can do it in an elaborate way. Feel free to tweak according to your convenience.

Next you can download this app from playstore for free and chant the Kleem mantras. They are said to energize the Yantras. Post this pooja,keep the Yantras in your locker where you store your cash.


Then you can offer any neivadhiyam or food to God.

End with lighting camphor and namaskaram.

You can also keep navadhaniyam to please the navagrahas in the Pooja.

Temple to visit

There is a Lakshmi Kubera temple in Rathnamangalam. It is a very beautiful temple where Lakshmi Kubera is dressed with lots of money lavishly. Please do plan a visit at the beginning or at the end of the Pooja. If u go before you begin the Pooja u can get the idol and yantra there at a cheaper rate than Amazon.


Three years back, we wanted to sell a property that was not giving us good returns. However hard we try, nothing materialized. I did this Pooja for 48 days continuously and post that within two months we were able to sell it for a good price and invest in our dream home. This Pooja brings a lot of peace and wealth. Invest in your hard work and do this Pooja and the spiritual light will guide you through the path of wealth and prosperity.

All the best!!!

One thought on “Pooja to attract wealth

  1. Very Nice beautiful description..
    Definitely will do this ..
    First I will collect all items then will start on one good Thursday.
    I believe and trust in each and every word you said ..
    When right time comes the path is showen automatically.


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