Ayurvedic recipe to build children’s immunity

Build Immunity

Ingredients(All are Tamil names)

3.Sukku powder-50gm
8.Vaal melagu-30gm
9.Pattai(cinnamon) thool-20gm
10.Krambu(cloves) thool-10gm
11.Turmeric powder-as required

How to use it?

Mix all the powders and store it in an airtight container. At night,add 1tsp of this powder to warm milk with sugar as required. If you are giving to children do not mix vaal melagu powder Initially as it might be too hot for them. Add it daily in required quantity.For adults you can add as mentioned.


Ashwagandha is an incredibly healthy medicinal herb. It can lower blood sugar levels, reduce cortisol, boost brain function and help fight symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Athimaduram is rich in antioxidants and increases immunity effectively.

Sukku and tipli cures throat infections,common cold,cough.

Thuthuvalai apart from curing common cold, it can also help in curing thyroid.

Vaal milagu relives digestive tract problems and also good for respiratory issues.

Cinnamon lowers blood sugar and prevents diabetes.

Cloves can even prevent cancer. All these herbs are very rich in antioxidants.

It develops immunity to the core,both for adults and children. It has a very nice aroma.

Milk which has an amino acid, tryptophan helps in regulating sleep cycle. You will definitely feel very relaxed and have a sound sleep. We have never gone to doctor as a family for the past two years from the day we started using it.

Note: Strictly adhere to the measurements mentioned. Overdose is harmful as these are medicinal herbs. Children above two years can have this milk daily. Adults can have it without sugar. Check for allergies and do not add more than 1 tsp for adults and 1/4 for children.

Where can I get it?

I buy all these ingredients from Tamilmarundu kadai/Naatumarundu kadai locally. You can get some of these powders in Amazon. I have not bought them online,so please do check for the quality.

Another website is

Hope it would be useful.

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