How to prepare Sambrani powder at home

What is Sambrani?

Sambrani, also called Benzoin resin – is known for its distinct, peaceful and balsamic fragrance.When burnt on a smouldering fire over a charcoal piece, Sambrani powder fumes emit an amazingly positive, vibrant and alluring aroma that cleanses the air and energy in the surroundings.

Note:This Sambrani recipe is from Agasthiya Sutra

Ingredients(All are Tamil names)

1.Devadharu powder-200gm

2.Ven kadugu-250gm

3.Naai kadugu-250gm

4.Marudani Vidhai-250gm

5.Arugumpul podi-50gm

6.Vilvam powder-50gm

7.Neem powder-50gm






13.Paal Sambrani-As required

14.Coal-As required

How to prepare?

Buy all these powders from Naatumarundu kadai/Tamil marundu kadai and mix the powders together and store it in an airtight container. Take sambrani dhoop cup/coal and add 2tsp of this powder and spread the fumes in such a way that it reaches every nook and corner of the house. Keep the main door open while spreading the fumes.. It is said that bad vibrations run away from home unable to bear the irritation due to these fumes.. Using it continuously for 48 days helps you get rid of all negative vibrations and I can guarantee you will feel the difference.

Uses of the Ingredients

Devadharu has been used for past 100 years in treatment of neurological problems.It is also used to cure chronic cough and infected lungs.It even acts as an insect repellent.. The ancient temples were made from this timber because of its rot resistant quality.. The inner core is used for sambrani..I would highly recommend you check out its amazing benefits…

Ven kadugu and Naai kadugu is believed to remove all negative vibrations and kill bacteria and virus in air hence protecting from all diseases. Ven Kadugu grows in plenty only in Himachal Region.

It is said that a Magadha King named MayilVaganan was seriously affected by lot of evil spirits..When he asked his RajaGuru for help, he has suggested spreading sambrani fumes with Ven Kadugu.. It greatly helped the King get rid of all evil spirits..If someone has taken poison, giving them a mixture of Venkadugu and salt will immediately rescue them..Even if you are unable to get the other ingredients, I greatly suggest you get only ven Kadugu and add this to your sambrani..

Arugumpul,Vilvam powder purify the air and keeps you away from mosquitoes and other insects.

Paal sambrani is the purest form of sambrani without sand. It is very good for newborn babies after head bath.

This sambrani when used continuously for 48 days will remove all negative energies from home. I tried it recently and my life changed. Hence sharing with you all. It has also cured my sinus problem.

Where can I get it?

You can also get the powders from
But it is a bit costly.

You can get it in your local Naatumarundu/Tamil Marundu Kadai.


There are two ways

Using Charcoal(Time consuming process)

Charcoal Sambrani

1.Burn the charcoal till it becomes red hot as shown in the picture above.

2.Add 1tsp of the sambrani powder..

3.Spread the fumes till it reaches the nook and corner of the house. The fumes have to reach everywhere, to remove the bad vibrations hidden in our home..

Using Sambrani Cups

You can get this sambrani cups easily all the stores..

1.Take this Sambrani cup and add 1 tsp of the Sambrani powder that we have prepared.

2. Add the white powder too that comes along with the sambrani powder

3. Spread the fumes to the nook and corner..


Please do check for allergies. Start with a small quantity and if it suits everyone in the family you can continue the same.


It gives a very divine feeling at home and smells like temple. It also removes all negative vibrations.. Clean air creates a healthy home…Try this you will get addicted to it..

Hope this helps..Let me know in the comments section how you liked it…

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