How to do Anusham Pooja


Mahaperiyava has created magic in my life..I owe everything to him and will continue doing Anusham Pooja forever..I dedicate this blog post to his lotus feet…

Since many are asking me how to do this Pooja,I am writing this post to help them with all the information I know about this Pooja..Please try this, to reap the amazing benefits..I can guarantee your life will change once forever..

My Story

In 2019 I was suffering from lot of health ailments..I had tried everything to bring back my sanity,but in vain..I had gained 140 kgs and didn’t know how to reduce it..To make things worse,doctors advised Bariatric surgery..But I was scared and weak to undergo any procedure..

I also had a dream of living in a duplex home..Since my health was not cooperative I could not work on my dream too…

I was discussing my issues with my aunt..That was the time,she told me about Mahaperiyava..She asked me to do Anusham Pooja and said definitely everything will change post completion of the Pooja..True to her words,my life changed..

Post the Pooja which I did for 48 days, I started on a fitness journey with the help of a leading health coach..Within 8 months,I reached 99 from 140 kgs..It was like a miracle happening in front of my eyes..We also built a duplex home recently and now we are living happily and I owe all the success and happiness to Mahaperiyava..Even if you try your level best, you need the spiritual light to guide you in achieving the desired results..That spiritual light is Mahaperiyava..

140 to 99kgs

How to do Anusham Pooja

When to do Pooja:

You can start the Pooja on a Anusham day and continue for 48 days or do only on Anusham days..Refer the picture below for Anusham dates in 2020..

Anusham is the birth star of Mahaperiyava..Or you can start on anusham and continue for 48 days….

The 48 days Pooja is very effective..Why?

27 nakshatras,9 planets and 12 rashis are the principal elements of Indian astrology that control our lives and destinies
So, 27+9+12=48
It is the ideal average time for any result if we work dedicatedly..48 days Pooja is very very powerful..

Also, In this 48 days moon completes two rotations for your rasi and 33 stars complete alignment with sun…I did for 48 days and on the 50th day I started with my fitness journey..Results will be quicker than you expect..

On the days of your menustral cycle,you can take a break and then continue…

How to start Pooja

Before starting this Pooja you can visit Thenambakam
Brahmapureeswarar temple..It is the temple in which Mahaperiyava stayed in a 10*10 room..Meditating in that room gives lot of mental peace..I strongly recommend visiting that temple..

Note:Ladies,please in saree,as they do not allow inside the 10*10 room if you wear other dresses…

You can know more about this temple from the link below..

Thenambakam Temple

Then you can visit Kanchi Mutt and buy Mahaperiyava idol there..You can buy a brass idol for abhishekam and paper mache idol for Pooja..

Brass Idol

My collection

I bought all idols from Kanchi Mutt..You can also get valampuri shank for abhishekam.. It is said that valampuri shankh to get rid of all the hurdles in life and removes negaitivity.It is not available in Mutt..I got it from Mahabalipuram Seashell Muesum..Then buy dress for idol from Giri traders or naatumarundu kadai near your home..

You can visit Thenambakam temple at the end of the Pooja too..This step is completely your choice..But I highly recommend visiting that temple…

You have to recite an ashtotram with 108 mantras..

You can download the ashtotram from the link below..

Ashtotram in Tamil

You can listen to the ashtotram from the link below..

Listen here

Please listen to know the correct pronunciation..

You can also sing some bhajans..Leaving the links below for you..This step is completely optional..

Vizhi Kidaikuma

Shankara Guru

Entire Playlist

Print the ashtotram and practice it once by listening to the audio.. Get necessary flowers for Pooja and other items..Now you are all set to begin!!!

On the Pooja day

Start the Pooja on a Anusham day….

First we invite God Ganesha and pray to him to remove all the hurdles in our life and help to complete this Pooja successfully..Any Pooja you do,should start with praying to Ganesha..Next invite Mahaperiyava to your Pooja and home..

Basically it is like inviting the God to your home,bathing them, offering new dress,food and praising them (in ashtotram) to make them happy…

Invite God by praying to him and asking him to accept your Pooja..

Next step we can start with abhishekam(Bathing part)

I have the following




Valampuri Sangu

New Dress


And an abhishekam powder..It’s not in the picture..These are basic items..You can include as many abhishekam items as you wish..Use the valampuri shank for pouring all the abhishekam items on the idol..

Then start with placing Ganesha and Mahaperiyava in Tambalam for abhishekam and complete it using all the Pooja items mentioned above..

Post Abhishekam dress the idol.. Keep some bhindi with sandalwood paste and kukum powder… Then u can offer the new dress..I usually swaddle Mahaperiyava like a baby in the new dressšŸ™‚

Yellow dress this time

Next after abhishekam you can proceed with reciting the ashtotram..While reciting ashtotram you can offer flowers to God..

Post that,you can sing some bhajans..I have provided the links above..

Then you can proceed with neivadhiyam..This time I have prepared Sundal..You can offer fruits,panagam,milk,payasam anything of your choice..

Then you can proceed with lighting the camphor or nei deepam..I prefer nei deepam as ghee has the nature to spread positive vibrations.

You can meditate for sometime and connect with God..Then you can end the Pooja with namaskaram..

I have prepared a sambrani powder for this Pooja with 21 ayurvedic ingredients..I spread sambrani fumes all over home post Pooja..This gives a very divine smell and feels like temple..Also the ayurvedic ingredients kills the harmful bacteria and viruses in air and keeps your home disease free..

Sounds like an advertisement..LOLšŸ™‚šŸ™‚

Even if you are not able to procure everything, just 10 minutes recitation of the ashtotram with ultimate dedication to God will do wonders..It’s not about how grand your Pooja looks,it’s about how devoted you are in surrendering yourself to Mahaperiyava….

If we surrender ourselves without any reservation to the Guru, he will save us from all sorrows and show us the way to salvation.


Post 48 days of Pooja, my life changed..I am now free from diseases and living in my dream home..All happened in a jiffy and truly I can’t believe it,till date..I prayed to him during my first pooja that if “you accept this Pooja,I should build my dream home soon and you should stay with me there forever”…It happened šŸ¤©..I believe he resides in my home and I will continue being grateful to him throughout my life..

Let me know if you need more details in the comments section..I would be glad to help you out and if you like this article and found it useful I would be very happy to hear from you..

May we all seek Mahaperiyava’s blessings..

Hara Hara Sankara,Jaya Jaya Sankara..

Rating: 1 out of 5.

17 thoughts on “How to do Anusham Pooja

  1. Pingback: My Fitness Journey
  2. Hi mam,
    Pranams. I have been searching for how to do the pooja for a very long time and you gave me the answer. Please clear my doubts on the pooja, should we do it for a continuous 48 days or 48 Anusha nakshathras?
    Divine thanks Mam šŸ™


  3. i got a dream about this and i have a meru and ambal at home and i have mahaperiyava photo at home. So the dream was to do the Anusha pooja with the Meru and ambal and periyavas picture and there were few brahmins in the dream and having bhojanam . so can i do the pooja


  4. Such a beautiful blog about mahaperiyava.
    I have been trying to start doing anusham Pooja for the long time but somehow I am not able to do it. Something is happening during that anusham time like a sudden problem or some hurdles.
    Can you please drop your opinion about this?


    1. Hi Purnima,
      When I wanted to start also, I faced the same hurdles. Then I went to Brahmapureshwarar temple[Thenambakkam]. There is a smallroom in that temple where Mahaperiyava lived and meditated. I prayed there. Next week, I was able to start it successfully.
      If you can go to that temple, it would be great.


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